Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Backup, storage, SEO and BLACK friday specials (continued)

We have black friday  specials here for those  who need to find more.  these special will only stay up until New Years Day.   Now is the time to get them.  >>>>>>    here:

we can do Backup and  SEO for all your websites, mobile devices, blogs.

before you  think about  backing up if you can remove delete  all junk off your  mobile devices
that would help so much.

1.  go thru your pictures and  make sure you can see the picture if  not   DELETE IT NOW
2.  if you have   multiple copies of a  picture  DELETE IT.
3.  if you  don't even know what the picture is   DELETE IT.

4.  you have a  chip in our phone.  You don't have to keep the
   pictures   files, data on your system drive of your  mobile device.
     USE THE  External STORAGE
the mobile devices  use the language
INTERNAL device  -  which is your    mobile device  system drive
EXTERNAL device -  which is your     ssd  (solid state  drive )  "chip"

5.  modify your settings to save that picture on the     external drive  "chip"

we can help debug and fix your  mobile device and  wearables.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

ALERT: DO NOT ALLOW anyone to get information off your mobile device


What is on your mobile devices is PRIVATE!

 Nobody needs to know what information you have on your mobile device.

 That is why it is called a "PERSONAL MOBILE DEVICE".

 To protect your mobile information YOU must protect and keep the information PRIVATE!
 the 3 main procedures you MUST do to start the PRIVACY on your mobile device:

    a. RESTART your mobile device: hold down the power button
    b. update all apps 
    c. CHANGE PASSWORDS every 3 months.

 if these process and procedures are followed you can be assured your privacy and security are safe. watch for more tips and entries everyday.


Thursday, November 30, 2017

What does it mean to be HACKED?


What does it mean to get hacked?

 Posted: 4/5/15 in Web Hosting

 “Hacked” is a term you hear thrown around a lot — especially regarding websites — without much definition.

If your website is hacked, it means a few things:

 Someone gained access to your account (typically via File Transfer Protocol, a.k.a. FTP).
 By gaining FTP access, hackers can [...] this information is taken from


When do YOU use social media?


What do you use Social Media for?

the best times to use social media:

Facebook Weekends between 1-3 pm

Twitter Wednesday

Instagram Mondays

Pinterest 16 minutes

LinkedIn Tuesday and Thursday

this information is compiled from average visits to each site

get if you happen to information please forward or just comment your findings below we will be
more than happy and responsible to publish it.



Wednesday, October 11, 2017

New items posted (pre-black Friday)

New items have been posted on
they are everyday items.

 Do you have cell phone you are not using stuffed in your "JUNK" draw"?

we have Merchants that will give you TOP $$ for your phones.

we have discount coupons. PRE-BLACK FRIDAY

Canned Air Cans

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Raspberry pi and Arm & Linux & Ham radio


this is a blogspot that is dedicated towards

 Raspberry PI: Linux/Debian:
 Amateur Radio: projects on GITHUB:

 for further information follow us ARM-DEVELOPER@SOFTWAREVARIATIONS.COM